Teguh Yulfiana Riswanda, . Nurasiah


The rapid advancement of information technology in accordance with the needs of almost
every aspect is very important for our lives. There is now a requirement that information
technology can provide convenience in finding the desired information, reduces errors
caused by human negligence and use data more efficiently, use of information technology is
optimal in a company will support the efficiency and effectiveness of work in data processing
for obtain information dibutuhkan.dalam this study can be formulated, how the system runs
on the den's store, how to design systems sales information on the den's store. So that the
topic does not deviate from the topic existing problems in the den's store. The authors make
the boundary problem in research among other things, the payment system using the account
transfer between banks, a system built only product sales process, the system discussed is a
retail and wholesale, software used Notepad ++ with MySQL data base. The purpose of the
authors conducted a study is, to know the sales information system on the den's store, to make
sales information system design at Den's store. The research method using descriptive
analysis method, the results obtained using the sales information system Making E-commerce
easier for customers to make buying and selling without having to come into place. The
benefits of implementing the use of E-commerce, will provide an overview of how the sales
system engineering required in the face of competition in the era of globalization. Sales
information system on Den's store is expected to be an alternative in the promotion and
purchase transactions more easily effectively and efficiently. Based on the results of research
conducted by the author regarding the sales information system has been described in
previous chapters, the writer can draw a conclusion, System currently running on the den's
store is a conventional system in the sense that prospective buyers have come to the den's
store itself, and information the goods are still lacking ter uptudate, With the implementation
of this system is expected to facilitate the performance of the administrator or owner of the
data gathering process because it has an integrated database, it is very effective and efficient
for the performance of administrators.
E-commerce, effectiveness, efficiency, promotion of transactions.

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